Small Dog Breeds as Animals

Are you a dog and animal lover? How many Small or Big dog breeds have you come across so far as a Cynophilist? You’ve probably wondered how many dog breeds are out there. There are about over 400 breeds of dogs worldwide. Amazing right? Dogs are actually the first animal to be …

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Ruminant Animals and Rumination

Definition of Ruminant Animals and Rumination Ruminant animals are herbivores that have 4 stomach compartments in their digestive system and are mammals. They are also known as “Animals that chew the cud“.  The term ruminant originated from the Latin word ‘ruminare‘ which means to chew over again. There are numerous species of …

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Hibernation in Animals

What is Hibernation in Animals? Hibernation in animals is a state of torpor where the animal conserves energy by reducing its metabolic functions during extreme temperatures.  A torpor, however, is just a state of physical or mental inactivity in the animal. During hibernation, the animal’s heart rate, body temperature, and breathing rate …

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Animal By-Products – Types, Examples, Lists and Uses

Animal By-product Definition Animal by-products or byproducts refer to anything derived from the body of livestock/animals after slaughtering and processing that is different from the meat (muscle). They are also called livestock byproducts or coproducts. What are animal by-products? When discussed in detail, livestock by-products have different definitions based on your geographical …

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Weird Fun Facts about Animals that are actually true

Here are 15 animal fun facts that will amaze you and change the way you look at some animals. Listed below, are a lot of interesting things you probably didn’t know about some animals that will blow your mind. Prepare to be amazed!!! 1. An octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and …

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