Bacteriophage in Microbiology: Lytic vs Lysogenic Cycle and Structure

What is a bacteriophage? A bacteriophage is a bacterial virus that infects bacteria and archaea. They are also called phages or bacterial viruses in microbiology. The term bacteriophage means bacteria eater and this term was coined by Félix d’Hérelle. Bacteriophages were discovered independently in 1915 by Frederick W. Twort in Great Britain …

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Bacteria in Microbiology – shapes, structure and diagram

Bacteria cells are the smallest living cells that are known; even though viruses are smaller than bacteria, viruses are not living cells. In microbiology there are different types of bacteria with various sizes, shapes, and structures. The bacteria shapes, structure, and labeled diagrams are discussed below. Sizes The sizes of bacteria cells …

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