Prokaryotic Cells Examples, Structure and Diagram

What are Prokaryotes? Prokaryotic cells are cells without a true nucleus and lack membrane-bound organelles. The organisms are known as Prokaryotes – (pro means before; karyon means nucleus); Prokaryotes, therefore, are single-celled organisms (unicellular) that existed before the ones that have nuclei. Prokaryotic cells are therefore the simplest cells that are thought to have evolved before eukaryotic cells and …

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Phagocytosis in a Cell – Definition, Steps and Mechanism

Phagocytosis is the act of ingestion and digestion of microorganisms, insoluble particles, damaged or dead host cells, and cell debris by specific types of cells called phagocytes such as macrophages, neutrophils; Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis. The word Phagocytosis is derived from the Greek word-Phagein which means to eat; and it involves …

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Lysosome in a Cell – Function, Structure and Diagram

  Lysosome Definition A Lysosome is a small cytoplasmic membrane-bound vesicle found in many types of animal cells that contains hydrolytic enzymes, which play an important role in the degradation of material ingested by phagocytosis and endocytosis. The word Lysosome was derived from the Greek word lysis (loosening) and soma (body). The limiting membrane of …

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