The Bauchi ringed road is a loop of road network that is found in Jos North local government of Plateau state. The loop can be considered to start from British-American junction and moving round through other places to complete again at the sameBritish American junction.
Starting from the British American junction and following the liberty dam road, the order of the places you will encounter when going through the Bauchi Ringed Road include:
British Junction -> Liberty Dam road -> Rikkos -> Tina Junction -> Yan Trailer -> Anwgan Rukuba -> Odus -> Fili Sukuwa ->University of Jos (found along Bauchi Road ) -> Angwan Rogo -> Congo Russia -> Jos Terminus -> Murtala Mohammed way -> British American Junction (Completing the ring).
This ring is called the Bauchi ringroad because whatever way you decide to follow: whether passing through Terminus or throughAngwan Rukuba, it will still give access to Bauchi State which shares boundary with Plateau state.
People often like passing through the Angwan Rukuba axis of the Ringed Road and this is mainly as a result ofthe Traffic congestion that is mostly encountered in Terminus, hence, the terminus axis is mostly avoided by drivers.
It is good when these two roads are clarified: Bauchi road is a road that starts from Zololo junction just immediately after Terminus and ends at the University of Jos Main Campus; whereas Bauchi ringed road is a ring in which the Bauchi road forms part of it.
While passing through the Angwan Rukuba Axis, there are some important shops, places and offices seen along this road; starting from British American Junction, they include:
- Double Dollar Entertainment Joint:this is seen by your right; it is by the junction that leads to Isiaka and Gwarandok and could also lead to Rayfield. People are normally seen around the double dollar joint even by 11 pm. Around this area are: Elim Table water Office, shops for cooking (Mini-Restaurants), Provisions shops, barbing saloons, Pharmacy, “Mai Suwa (Man that sell roasted meat)”, Clothes, Food stuffs including vegetables, and many more. Some Joints are also seen around the double dollar. Also, along the Isiaka/Gwarandok road is the Nation Film Corporation Office located about 15 meters away from the Isiaka Junction.
- The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps(NSCDC) Office seen by the left
- The National Lottery Commissionby the right and directly opposite the NSCDCoffice. House of Senator (General ) J.T Useini is by the right and beside the National Lottery commission office. Beside the J.T Useini house is a loop that links with the Isiaka/Gwarandok Junction. This loop encircles and cut across a place known as “Millionaires Quarters” where the Millionaires in Jos residesome decades ago, but now it is just by name and the equivalent of this area is Rayfield where most of the influential people in Jos Plateau live.
- Body Health Hotel and Resort (BHHR) Hotel by the right
- Skysun Table water company, by the right
- Jos Electricity Distribution(JED) Company Office, by the right
- Zartech for production poultry chicks, by the right
- Redeem Christian Church by the left and opposite Zartech
- Lamingo Junction
- Plateau Private school, one of the oldest schools in plateau; locatedby the left
- Celestial Church by the left: This place is normally called “Cele Bridge” to refer to the area around the bridge near the celestial church. Located just opposite this church is CIC fish distribution company.
- Furaka Junction by the right
- Tomatoes market by the left and directly opposite Furaka junction
- Tina Junction:this junctionis a busy area where so many things are sold such as wines, clothes, meat, fish, food stuff, fruits, restaurants and Joints. It is busier than Double dollar. From this junction, you can find your way to Jos Jarawa, Dutse Uku and even back to Bauchi road or Nasarawa gwong.
- Yan Trailer: Near this side is a formermotelcalled “Three container” even though the bar does not exist again
- Angwan Rukuba:This is the busiest area along this way and people could be seen around even by 12 am (It is a ghetto). All sort of things are sold here.
- Jerrotel Hotel: a hotel found along Dogon dutse/Odus.
- Odus: In this area is: ECWA(Evangelical Church Winning All) by the right, C.O.C.I.N(Church Of Christ In Nations)by the right, College of Accountancy (Temporary site) by the left, the Univeristy of Jos Senior Staff Quarters by the left, The City of David Church by the right, Legislative Quarters by the left and beside the University Quarters. Odus was named after the former Odus Printing press which was located at this area but now does not exist again.
- Filin Sukuwa: This area is surrounded by Legislative quarters, University of Jos senior staff quarters, college of forestry. The area is directly opposite University of Jos and is used by students from the university as a residential area.
From the Filin Sukuwa, the road then leads out of Jos. Near the Filin Sukuwa ( a few meters away) is the Junction that is formed by the Terminus Axis of the ring road and the Angwan Rukuba Axis. By this junction is NNPC filling station. About 20 meters away from this stationis the Bauchi Junction. The Bauchi junction is a round-about where one road leads to neighboring Bauchi state and the other passes to Farin Gada, leaving the University of Jos permanent site Main Gate by right.
The Terminus Axis of the ring road covers the following areas (starting from British American junction and moving towards terminus):
- Gangare Campus of University of Jos
- Old site of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) (Only the Psychiatry department is still in this site with Nursing school, the Hospital has now been relocated to the permanent site in Lamingo).
- Terminus Market: This was the biggest market in West Africa before the Fire Out break that destroyed the market. Till today, this market still has goods and services ofall kinds and at affordable prices.
- Zololo junction
- School of Forestry: just opposite this school is Bauchi Park; for travellers going to different states such as Gombe, Adamawa, Kano and most of the Hausa states in Nigeria.
- University of Jos Bauchi road campus: This is the temporary site of the university of Jos and it is surrounded by Angwan rogo ( A prototype ghetto of Angwan Rukuba).
- After the university of jos, theterminus axis of Bauchi ringed road meets with the Angwan rukuba axis at a junction. Surrounding this junction is NNPC filling station and car dealers and near the junction is First bank.
The ringed road is a wide ring that leads to Bauchi state whatever way you decide to follow starting from British American junction.