Dense Regular Connective Tissue (Fibrous Connective Tissue) Function, Types and Location

Table of Contents

Photo of Dense Regular Connective Tissue (Fibrous Connective Tissue) Function, Types and Location

Dense regular connective tissue is also known as Regular Fibrous Connective Tissue and it is a type of general connective tissues consisting of type I collagen bundles that are arranged according to a definite pattern in which the fibers and fibroblasts align parallel to prolonged resistant forces that are exerted in the same direction. The fibrocytes are wedged in between the collagenous fibers of the regular fibrous connective tissue.

Dense regular connective tissue contains a predominance of collagen fibers than that of loose connective tissue which has a predominance of cellular contents. Fibroblasts are the primary cells present and they occur in rows parallel to the bundles of collagen fibers. The histological slides of regular fibrous connective tissue when viewed under the microscope shows collagen fibers that are thick, eosinophilic and rope-like strands in linear arrangements while the fibrocytes appear thin and dark with condensed nuclei these cells are scattered sparsely throughout the tissue and lie parallel to the collagenous fibers. The fibrocytes are responsible for the production and maintenance of the collagenous fibers in regular fibrous connective tissue.

Types of dense connective tissues showing the sub types of the regular dense connective tissue
Types of dense connective tissues showing the sub types of the regular dense connective tissue


Where is Dense Regular Connective Tissue Found?

Dense regular connective tissue or Regular fibrous connective tissue is found prominently in ligaments and tendons serving the purpose of providing great strength while allowing little stretch as it binds together the components of the musculoskeletal system.

Location and Examples of Dense regular connective tissue (Fibrous Connective Tissue)

  1. Ligaments
  2. Tendons
  3. Aponeuroses of muscles
  4. Corneal stroma
  5. Sheets of deep fascia
  6. Intermuscular septa
  7. Central tendon of the diaphragm
  8. Fibrous pericardium
  9. Dura mater

Types of Dense Regular Connective Tissue

  1. Dense regular collagenous tissue examples include tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis, and cornea. The collagen fibers in the regular collagenous tissue run in characteristic wavy lines.
  2. Dense regular elastic tissue examples include Ligamentum nuchae and ligamenta flava. The interconnecting bundles of elastic fibers in regular elastic tissue vary in thickness