Conditioners are additive which enhance the feel,appearance,fullness,lubricity,reflectance and general manageability of hair. Conditioning helps protect your hair from harsh weather condition by re-moisturing dry hair and forming a protective layer around hair shaft, which helps to reduce split ends and breakage.
The benefit of producing your own conditioners is that you can customize them to meet end needs.
Table of Contents
Ingredients used for making Hair Conditioner
The ingredients for Hair conditioner and their functions are:
- Clodagh wax – this is used for holding the hair,it has less chance of drying out and aids in easy styling of hair.
- Acetyl alcohol – this is a fatty substance produced by heating coconut oil and palm oil. it’s the major component of hair conditioner which allows the conditioner to spread easily over the hair. Without it,the conditioner would probably separate out in the bottle (into oil and water).
- Shea butter – this ingredient is rich in moisture (moisturizer, vitamin and healing the hair and scalp) – it promotes thick, healthy and lustrous strands of hair.
- Paraffin oil – used as a solvent and lubricant
- DehyquartA – it is a quaternary compound that is preferably used as a conditioning additive;it has a positive effecton wet and dry combability. It is clear,yellowish liquid with a characteristic inherent odour.
- Petroleum jelly– Thisworks by creating a sealing barrier between your body cells, which keepsmoisture and speeds up your skin’s natural recovery from dryness, helping it heal from within.Its occlusive function also allows it to protect dry, cracked skin and minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. You can learn how to make homemade Vaseline (Petroleum jelly)
- Industrial camphor – this ingredientis used in conditioner to treat injuries or scalp pains by promoting blood flow in the area affected. It could lead to irritation and reddening of skin when used at high amount.
- Menthol – this gives a soothing sensation
- Fragrance – it gives a percievable pleasant smell to the conditioner.
- Preservative – ingredient used to prevent germs and decomposition of the conditioner. It also prevents various health risks that accompany contamination by germs and bacteria.
- Water– used as solvent .
Quantity of the Ingredients required to produce synthetic conditioner.
- 1/2 cup Clodagh wax
- 1 cup Acetyl alcohol
- 1 tablespoon Petroleum jelly
- 1 tablespoon Shea butter
- 1 cup Paraffin oil
- 1/2 cup DehyquartA
- Fragrance (as desired)
- 2 tablespoon Menthol
- 2 tablespoon Industrial camphor
- 1 tablespoon Preservative
Steps on how to produceSynthetic Hair Conditioner
- Add 1 cup of Distilled Water to a sauce pan and place on your stove top on medium heat;while this is heating up,measure out all of your other ingredients in a separate bowl.
- Add clodagh wax to your heated content and allowit to dissolve
- Add acetyl alcohol and allow to dissolve too
- Add paraffin oil,shea butter,and petroleum jelly and give them a good stir. It will take at least 5-10 minutes to melt so just keep stirring occasionally using a whisk until your clodagh wax has completely melted.
- Add dehyquartA and drop the pan from heat immediately,
- Once yourwax, petroleum jelly and acetyl alcohol has completely melted, take off the pan from heat and mix using a stick blender or your whisk;you are going to mix until your mixture no longer separates. It will have a milky appearance and not separate into oil and water .
- When you have stopped mixing, at this point you will add your preservative, fragrance ,menthol and industrial camphor and stir till it becomes cool. Once your preservative and fragrance has been incorporated, you are ready to pour into your bottles.
- You are finished…Congratulations! Your conditioner will thicken as itcools. Thick, rich, creamy, nourishing hair conditioner, made by you!
Ingredients for Producing Shea butter hair conditioner
- 1 cup shea butter
- 5 table spoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
- 1 table spoon jojoba oil
- 10 drops essential oil( lavender,peppermint or chamile)
Procedure for making Shea butter hair conditioner
- Melt shea butter in a sauce pan or you can as well blend it with the jojoba oil till it becomes smooth
- Wait for the shea butter to cool down before adding vitamin E oil.
- Add vitamin E oil and essential oil and mix properly and pour into a clean container.
Ingredients for Producing Honey Hair Conditioner
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 table spoons honey
Procedure for producing and using homemade honey hair conditioner
- Mix together- honey and olive oil and warm on a slow heat for about 10 minutes.
- Next, add both the eggs into the warm mixture and whisk it with beater thoroughly, so that all the Ingredients get mixed together .
- Divide your hair into different sections, and apply the Massage gently onto your scalp and leave on for about 30 minutes as you would do in case of hair mask.
- Rinse completely.
Different fruits can be used for making hiar mask such as Papaya hair maskand likewise, banana can be use for making hair mask.
Ingredients for making Banana Hair Mask
- 1 well rippened banana
- 1 egg
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 4 tablespoons milk
- 5 teaspoons olive oil
Procedure for making and applying the banana hair mask
- Blend all the ingredients together
- Apply the mixture on hair
- Rinse out with cold water after 30 minutes
Ingredients used for making Coconut milk Hair Conditioner:
- 1 cup Coconut Milk
- 5 drops essential oil
- 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Procedure for producting and applying coconut milk hair conditioner
- Whisk together all ingredients, add water and essential oil
- Place mixture in the fridge for a couple of hours.
- As it cools, a thin layer of cream will harden on the top.
- Remove mixture from the fridge, give it a whirl in the blender, and then pour it into a spray bottle.
Ingredients for preparation of Avocado hair conditioner:
- 1 fully rippen avocado
- 3 teaspoons honey
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil
- 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
- 1 teaspoon citric juice
- 1 cup of water
Steps on how to make and apply Avocado hair conditioner
- Cut up the avocado, mash with a mixing spoon
- Simply blend it together with honey and coconut oil, aloe vera gel, citric juice and water using hand blender (so that no avocado bits remain).
- Apply to hair and cover with a shower cap;
- Leave on hair for at least 30 minutes and rinse.
Ingredients for making Mayonnaise Hair conditioner
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup of plain yoghurt
Steps on how to make and use Mayonnaise hair conditioner
- Separate the egg white and gently whisk it while blending it with yoghurt and mayonnaise.
- Rub all over the hair from scalp to the tips;
- Wrap with a plastic cap and rinse with cold water after 30 minutes
Have you tried making either natural or synthetic conditioner, What were your experiences ? Share with us on the comment box below