Lime and Lemon: Difference Between Lime and Lemon (Lime vs Lemon)

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Photo of Lime and Lemon: Difference Between Lime and Lemon (Lime vs Lemon)

The difference between lime and lemon is not that much; the two have the same acidic benefits and can be used in different dishes and for other purposes. Lime and lemon belong to the same citrus family, they are both sour and consuming them can be very unpleasant to the taste bud. However, the best way to eat lime and lemon is by mixing them with water, other drinks or ingredients before consuming. Citrus fruits contain a range of key nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenes of various kinds (for example beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin), folate and fibre as well as many non-nutrient phytochemicals and phenolic acids). Many people assumed that limes are unripe lemons but this thisis not true, Lime and lemon are twodifferenetfruits, they are slightlydifferent from each other and you will get to learn the striking difference between lime and lemon as you read through the article.

The differences between Lime and lemon

Origin of lime and lemon

Lemons are known as citrus limon while limes are known as citrus aurantifolia. Lime probably originated from a tropical area because of the extreme sensitivity to freezing, they are green at maturity and can be harvested throughout the year. Limes resemble lemons in most cases and composition but they are usually smaller in size and have round shapes, while lemons are oval in shape. The composition of the lime varies considerably with variety of fruit and the location where the fruit is grown.

Taste of lime and lemon

Limes are tart which make them ideal for cocktails andbeverageswith a bit morebite. Limes also have highconcentrationsof vitamin C and other antioxidants and can be used in many recipes, juice and cocktail making. Limes when compared with lemons are juicier with a soft, granular and certainly green flesh, while the lemon pulp is transparent with a yellowish tinge.

When it comes to taste, lemon has more sugar which is what gives it a sweeter flavour compared to lime. Lemon has a slight edge in terms of nutrients, taste, and versatility in cooking and beverages.

Texture of lime and lemon

Limes and lemons have different textures and colours. Limes are usually smaller and green in colour whereas lemons are bigger, yellow when ripe and green when not ripe..

Storage (how to store lime and lemon)

Limes have smooth skin are very sensitive to freezing, these can only be stored in the fridge and are not allowed to stay even in the most ideal conditions for more than two weeks. All this time limes must be in a refrigerator at a constant temperature of 4 degrees, without coming in contact with moisture. Lemons do not need so much demanding storage conditions. they can be kept in the refrigerator for about two months and outside the refrigerator for up to twoweeks.

Nutrition of lime and lemon

Limes are packed with higher phosphorous, vitamin A, calcium, folate and vitamin C while lemons are rich in potassium and magnesium. Both limes and lemons contain good antioxidants, antiseptic, and anti-cancer properties. However, when it comes to antiseptic use, lemon juice is often use more compared to lime. Lemon is commonly found in detergent,liquid soaps, bar soups, hand washing soap, body cream and Vaseline.

Limes and lemons contain citric acid but lime juice contains less of this than lemon juice, however, lemon juice contains 1.10g/ounce of citric acid, while lime juice contains 1.06/ounce of citric acid. Lime and lemon are very useful and contains essential nutrients that are good for your body. Limes and lemons are low in fat and in overall dietary energy; they relatively have low glycemic indices which helps in maintaining a more stable blood glucose level and generally healthier carbohydrate metabolism.

Both fruits are highly healthy, which is why experts recommend adding them to your diet; they also have many uses, from adding flavor, antiseptic to improving overall health.