Fascism vs communism aims at making comparisons and contrasts between the two political and economic systems. The aim is to clearly state the similarities and differences that exist between them.
Table of Contents
The term fascism refers to an autocratic political movement that places emphasis on a centralized-nationalistic government above individualism. It also means a political idea or philosophy that is mostly monolithic in nature. This means that the system has an unchanging structure that does not give any room for individual variation. The system possesses a regimented nation under the governance and control of an autocratic ruler.
Fascists have a belief system or an ideology that the democratic system of government is obsolete. They see the total mobilization of society under a one-party (totalitarian) state as a necessary tool for the preparation of a nation for armed conflicts. The system also prepares a nation for an effective response to economic difficulties. Fascists advocate for a mixed economy with the objective of achieving national economic self-sufficiency through protectionist and economic interventionist economic policies.
The word Fascism originated from the Italian word, “Fascio“ meaning “bundle”. In the fascist ideology, a bundle means a group of people that are bound together as one. This is because the system places more emphasis on nationalism over individualism.
Historically, Benito Mussolini of Italy believed that democracy was a failed system of government, so he formed Fascism in 1915. He stated that the liberty to express views and that of parties was unreasonable. Also, he stated that fascism would make the people organized under the state. So he created the first one-party fascist state.
This system is authoritative and dictatorial in nature. Forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and opposition are prominently in place under fascism. This political system opposed anarchism, liberalism, democracy, and marxism.
A fascist government is led by a powerful leader, usually a dictator, and a martial law government which comprises members of the fascist governing party with the purpose of forging national unity and maintaining a stable and orderly society. This system of government does not support a statement that violence is automatically negative in nature. It views political violence, imperialism, and war as a way of achieving national rejuvenation.
Advantages of fascism
National welfare
Fascism places priority on a country’s welfare, it focuses on improving a country as a whole. Governments spend their funds on improving national defenses and making sure that there are adequate weapons, trained soldiers, and armed vehicles to enable them to defend themselves against foreign invaders. Also, the government spends money on cultural improvements such as making more museums and building national landmarks. This is to help in preserving the culture of the nation and make it appear impressive to other countries.
Socio-economic equality
The system aims at uniting the people by getting rid of socio-economic classes thereby creating equality amongst everyone. Because the government has full control over everyone, it can demand the rich to give away their wealth so that they can distribute them among the poor. In theory, this can amount to the dissolution of both the upper class and the lower class thereby making all individuals equal to one another.
Quick decision-making process
In a fascist government, decision-making processes are quick. Here, there is no need to go through bureaucratic hoops (involving complicated rules and procedures that are bound to cause delays). This is because a single person has control over everything. In this case, the dictator can make decisions pertaining to certain areas of government. These areas can include traffic management and crime control. When the dictator takes these decisions, the implementation of these decisions will take place right away. Because of this, it becomes easier for a country to move forward without experiencing any form of delay and enjoying the benefits of making progress and modernization.
Improves peace and order
Under a fascist government, common crimes such as theft and burglary usually have no place. The government has full control over everything, therefore, it can decree heavy penalties for these crimes. This discourages people from committing crimes and this facilitates the maintenance of peace and order in a country.
promotion of national pride
The fascist system of government led to a sense of national pride wherever it was practiced. Like the Italians, they were proud to belong to their nation. Also, in Germany, many believed that the system led to the restoration of national pride. With this, we can draw the conclusion that fascism encourages national pride.
The fascist government concentrates power on a central authority. This authority is in charge of both the economic and political activities of the country. By implication, all means of production are left in the hands of the central authority. In turn, this leads to an equal distribution of resources thereby nullifying class distinction and stratification.
Disadvantages of Fascism
Abuse of power
Fascism creates an easy pathway to the abuse of power. This is because of the handing over of the control of the entire nation to one person. The implication of this is that it is dangerous. No matter the level of a person’s good intention, human nature can take over thereby causing him to feel superior to every other person. The inherent desire for having power and his ability to have it without being questioned can lure him into using his position to do things for his own self benefits rather than that of the nation. At worse, not only the dictator will abuse power but his close family, friends, and political allies will also abuse power. They can use their position to get whatever they want.
Also, dictators can use their power to abuse certain groups of people, especially those they do not like for whatever reason.
Absence of freedom of speech
This system of government prevents the masses from enjoying the freedom of speech. It does not tolerate criticism and opposition. Those who criticize and openly oppose a dictator can face imprisonment or a death sentence. In this case, human rights no longer have priority. Since the entire nation is under the dictator’s control, he can do whatever he wishes with the people who do not support him. This causes the ordinary person to be afraid of practicing free speech, they cannot express their feelings and opinions. An ordinary person is afraid because this can result in his death. Fascism is full of military and autocratic ideologies. Therefore, it does not respect any form of liberties as it tramples on human rights.
Wealth gap
Fascism can widen the gap that exists between the rich and the poor. In theory, it can pave the way for equality since it can erase the divisions between socio-economic classes. This is basically theoretical because it does not always happen in real life. The rich can do anything they can just to retain their wealth. This can lead to these people making deals with the country’s dictator for them to stay in the upper class. The poor masses have no choice but to go by what the government wants them to do. This can prevent them from attaining a better future and further push them into poverty.
Damage to the country’s economy
In recent times, a lot of countries flourish due to the free entrance of foreign investors thereby contributing to their growth and development. It is unfortunate that this cannot happen in a fascist country. Full government control over virtually all industries can drive foreign investors away from investing and starting a business in such countries. If they do, then they will have to abide by strict rules. These investors may pay a large amount of money to obtain government permission/license to start their company.
Financial trouble
Countries that operate under fascism may potentially end up in financial trouble. The economy can crash due to the absence of investors. Usually, such governments spend most of their funds on military defense. This leaves only a small portion of wealth for other essential projects such as healthcare, agriculture, and education.
Disregard for international law
The fascist system of government did not have any regard for international laws. The standards acceptable to the international community were violated. They even refused sanctions.
Communism is a social and economic system in which the entire community in a state/country is in charge of trade and industry, that is, to own and control all means of production. The wealth distribution and share of each individual are highly dependent on their abilities and needs. This means that even if one is not able to contribute due to sickness or disabilities, the state will still allocate resources to such persons. While each individual contributes to the economy according to his ability, the state allocates and distributes wealth/resources according to their needs. Like socialism, communism is a classless economy where every single individual is equal to one another. By implication, there is no room for discrimination or consumer exploitation.
Basically, communism has to do with the communal ownership of resources/assets rather than individual ownership. Communism is not just an economic system, it is also a political system or system of government. The opposite of communism can be a democracy, self-rule or self-governance
Who is a communist?
A communist is a person that believes that an economy’s challenges do not come about as a result of capitalism, it is not the individuals’ fault. Also, a communist can mean someone who believes that the solutions to economic challenges such as depressions, inflation, poverty, etc. lie in the establishment of socialism. A communist is an individual who believes in total equality, that is people having equal rights and opportunities irrespective of tribe, religion, nationality, or race. Another meaning of a communist is a person who believes in, advocates for, or supports communism.
Communist countries
Communist countries that exist in the world include China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam), and North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).
Communism pros and cons
1) Advantages of communism
Communism is a system that helps to cover up the gap that exists between the rich and the poor. This is a result of the fact that the system creates a classless society and economy. Practically, a very wide gap between the rich and the poor exists in most countries of the world. As a result of this, only a minority group of people have the capacity to gather almost all the wealth while the general public or the masses possess little and almost nothing. It is clear that this causes the whole thing to look unfair thereby calling for the bridging of this wide gap.
One possible tool in which the government can use to narrow this gap is to introduce the idea of communism. Under such economies, almost all individuals can own almost nothing. By implication, those who have accumulated wealth will have to lose their wealth while the general public will enjoy the benefits of wealth distribution.
Food and medical supply assured
Under a communist economy, there is an assurance of food supply and medical facilities. Also, the state makes available other social amenities to members. When a case of a health emergency comes up, there will be no cause to worry as medical services will be available. When it comes to the issue of hunger, there is also no cause for one to worry as the food supply is greatly assured. These are the results of the state being in charge of everything that has to do with production.
This, in turn, helps in protecting the local population against health challenges and hunger. In case these challenges come up, the system will swiftly respond and address them accordingly. As a result of this, the government can expand its production in order to facilitate the optimal distribution of food supply and health facilities. This will greatly help the people not to necessarily struggle to survive.
Enhancement of the education infrastructure
Under this system, the government has full control of all education facilities. They take responsibility for the funding of educational institutions. this assures a high level of education to the people. As a result, individuals that have low-income opportunities will also have the chance of accessing adequate and standard education. This implies that the communist economic system makes it easier for the people to have a higher level of educational equality, no educational inequality.
Investments in infrastructure
Since the ownership of private property is almost non-existent, the government takes responsibility for maintenance and expanding social amenities within the state. Certainly, this is of great benefit to the people. With this, the government will focus more on important projects that they should achieve within a short time frame. The practical truth is that most infrastructures aim at benefitting the general public rather than just small interest groups.
A communist economy prioritizes greatly social goals instead of just a few people. In other words, the system places more importance on social benefits and welfare rather than on personal interests. Another point to note is that lobbying in political decisions in order to benefit just a few interest groups of people is absent. In this system, the government ensures that there are general benefits in place rather than personal benefits. Communism is, therefore, a great means of presenting the general needs of the public and avoiding lobbying in political decisions.
Lower unemployment rates
Usually, no single individual is unemployed. This is because each person is meant to contribute their own share to the benefit of the general public. This implies that almost everyone has the capacity to contribute in his own unique way. Because of this, it is possible for every single person to remain busy and immensely contribute to the improvement of the overall standard of living in a county.
Overall safety level improvement
The government has full control over not just production and employment but also the control and improvement of the overall safety and security levels in a country.
For example, the government can waive certain benefits for an individual who goes against the laws. It can as well engage such a person in jobs that do not have a conducive and favorable atmosphere. They adopt this strategy to help discourage violations of the law.
Avoidance of corporate monopolies
In a capitalist economy, there are greater tendencies of corporate monopolies. This is the case because of the low level of regulations on the economy and politics. These monopolies are usually harmful to an economy and the general public. This danger comes basically from the high price levels of goods and services. This monopoly also means a loss of social welfare. Therefore, introducing the idea of communism is an important tool for preventing such unfavorable circumstances. With this, social welfare increases through the reduction of the prices of goods and services.
Minimal discrimination
Communism has a major attribute of a classless society where each person enjoys equal opportunities thereby reducing discrimination to its nearest minimum. In other words, communism helps to minimize the problem of discrimination against some groups of persons. It becomes very easy for individuals to have the opportunity to succeed and have access to proper education. In this system, the minority groups have greater chances of succeeding in different facets of life. The system does not rule out the disabled and the handicapped. Communism makes greater opportunities available for them to live a better and comfortable life.
2) Disadvantages of communism
Free market malfunctioning
Under the communist economy, the free market does not function or run properly any longer. In the free-market economy, the forces of supply and demand are the major factors that determine the price level of products and services. This is not the case in the communist economy. Here, the government has full control over prices. Also, it is the government that determines the price to charge for a product and service.
Communism goes after general/social welfare. But when the forces of the free market stop working, it has a tendency of causing serious economic welfare loss. This effect usually manifests in the long run and thereby lowering the efficiency of a country’s production processes.
Inefficient spending
Under communism, the government is likely to be inefficient in spending funds. This means that the government will always spend in a wasteful manner. The government is bound to spend on projects that are unnecessary and this can amount to the misplacement of priority. Also, government projects are usually expensive when we compare them to private companies. By implication, the government has a higher chance of spending the taxpayers’ money in an inefficient manner.
Sovereign default
When communism emerges in a nation, it can amount to sovereign defaults. This is not sustainable in the long run. In this case, too many frictions will result. The state has a higher chance of running into bankruptcy in the future if the government keeps spending inefficiently.
Currency problems
Communist countries usually face currency problems, their currencies are usually weak and unstable. Because of this, institutional investors lose their trust in such currencies. Instead, they sell these currencies rather than buying them. The local population may also lose trust in their own currency. Because of the currency problems communist economies face, they try exchanging these currencies. The aim of this exchange is to protect themselves against currency depreciation.
Communism may deter international investors
Usually, it becomes very difficult for international investors to invest in communist economies. This is because private individuals have almost nothing, so their GDP is very low. Oftentimes, private corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and private limited liability companies are not in existence. So, there is almost no place for foreign investors to invest because such investments may yield nothing, or fail totally. These investors face fears with regard to the deprivation of private property for public use. The effect of this is that there will be a low rate of overall private investment. Certainly, no one wants to lose his wealth. Problems usually arise in this case. It becomes very difficult for a communist government to run important projects due to poor financial opportunities.
Difficulties in wealth accumulation
It is almost difficult to accumulate wealth in communist economies as the system forbids the private ownership of property. Working for longer hours will yield no added advantage or special reward. This causes individuals to pay less attention to saving as they cannot acquire wealth. Because of this, biased consumption decisions will surface. In the long run, this can hurt the country’s overall welfare.
Lack of incentives
There is no motivation in the minds of people to work harder since they cannot accumulate wealth for themselves. People’s zeal towards putting in their best rapidly declines. In the long run, this results in a massive loss of working power. It is clear that no one will want to invest his full potential into working hard and yet receive no extra reward obtained.
Confinement of overall freedom
Communism greatly confines the overall freedom of individuals. Generally, there is no freedom of occupation, the state determines job vacancies for everyone. People are being coerced to work in certain places for a lifetime even if they are not interested in such jobs. Also, the system confines the freedom of speech. The government may imprison people for expressing their opinions especially when it goes against the decisions of the government.
Self-fulfillment difficulty
It is difficult for people to achieve self-fulfillment under a communist economy because they seldom do things they desire to do. Under communism, the rule is that everyone should only do things that will benefit the community and the government. This point clarifies that the act of pursuing individual interests contradicts the goals of the community. There are many deprivations of self-interest under this system.
A narrow view of the world
Communism causes the people to have a narrow perspective about life and the world at large. The current political regime configures the behavior of people in a specific manner. Here, no individual has the right to question decisions. Children grow in a specific doctrine that causes them to reject other lifestyles. In essence, the system builds myopic thoughts in the minds of individuals.
Poor international trade relationships
Because of the nature of communism, other countries lose interest in trading with communist countries. This is a result of the conflicts that exist in values and lack of trust in such administrations. The poor international trade relationships are also traceable to currency problems. Such economies are bound to suffer due to a lack of international trade and this reduces a country’s economic power.
Because of the numerous restrictions that are in place, most individuals will want to migrate to other countries. This however amounts to a significant decrease in a country. There will also be a corresponding decrease in a country’s overall gross domestic product, this usually leads to other economic challenges.
Information handicap
There are restrictions on the flow of information and this is because of the government control over the mass media. The press releases information that is sustainable to the current government administration. This also implies that the press will not release any information that will be harmful to the government. This act of withholding information does not allow the people to clearly understand the general meaning of life thereby polarizing the people’s perspective about the world.
General public manipulation
Since there is excessive power, the government can easily manipulate the people when the flow of information is biased. The government, through the mass media, will suggest certain actions to the people. These actions usually do not work in the favor of the masses, it only works in the favor of the present government administration. For the government to sustain its current regime, it manipulates the people.
Government control over everything amounts to excessive levels of power. This excessive power leads to dictatorship as the administration can do whatever it wishes to. In turn, this has a negative effect on the economy, and in the long run, unfair political outcomes will result.
Slow technological progress
Under this system, a country’s technological progress tends to slow down. Since there is no room for expansion, private investments are usually absent. Since the nature of this economic system usually amounts to low financial capacity, there is a great limitation on the overall technology. Communist countries or economies lose their competitive edge over capitalist countries and this weakens a country’s economic position.
Similarities between fascism vs communism
The fascism vs communism similarities aims at explaining those things that the two terms have in common. Let us look at the following areas of similarities;
- Anti-democratic/non-democratic principle
- Societal wellbeing
- State control of resources
- The use of propaganda
- Do not support rights/denial of individual rights
- No room for an opposing point of view
- Do not value individual/loyalty to the government above the individual
- Single party dictatorship rule(state/national supremacy)
- Classless society
Both fascism and communism are opposed to the democratic model. They operate under the non-democratic principle but not equally and in the same manner. Fascism tends to be above parliamentary freedoms which are strange. This is because fascist leaders (such as Hitler and Mussolini) were active participants in democratic politics. After they seized power, they looked towards the removal of other political parties. They were totally against the right to vote in an election. This led them to adapt quickly to dictatorship which was the direct cause of them having fascist beliefs. Communism has an understanding that a democratic system may be the route to power but that the prevailing outcome is a single-party rule. If a communist majority gets into power, then there is a tendency that future elections would take place. But only the communist party candidates are eligible to run for the election.
Societal wellbeing
Both economic and political systems believe in societal wellbeing. They base their importance on the welfare of society rather than individual benefits. They aim at achieving social goals rather than promoting individuals goals. Theoretically, these systems are great means of presenting the general needs of the public and avoiding lobbying in political decisions.
State control of resources
Under fascism, the state is in absolute control of resources. This is also the case with communism. In other words, both fascism and communism totally forbid private ownership and control of resources.
The use of propaganda
Both fascism and communism make use of propaganda. That is, they disseminate information such as facts, arguments, rumors, incomplete (half) truth, or lies with the aim of influencing public opinion. These political systems are usually deliberate and emphatic on manipulation. In other words, they go to the extent of withholding some information from the people especially that information that will not benefit the government. They will only release the information that will be of benefit to the government/present administration. Withholding information will constrain people from having a clear understanding of what life generally is all about.
Do not support rights
Denial of individual rights is another notable feature that both fascism and communism have in common. These systems confine the overall freedom of individuals. They are more interested in those things that will benefit the government. The systems prevent individuals from enjoying the freedom of speech. Also, there is no freedom of choice of occupation as the systems operate in a coercive manner.
No room for an opposing point of view
Both fascism and communism have zero tolerance for opposition and criticism. Those who criticize or openly oppose a dictator may face imprisonment or a death sentence. They are usually autocratic and authoritative in nature which does not give any room for the freedom of expression of feelings and public opinions. They do not provide room for any opposing point of view.
Loyalty to the government above the individual
They both focus on loyalty to the government rather than the individual. In essence, they do not value individuals the way they value the government or their administration. Because of their dictatorial nature, the systems can manipulate the people to act to their own satisfaction even if it will be detrimental to the individuals. This however polarizes the people’s perspective about the world. self-fulfillment is difficult.
Single party dictatorship rule
Both fascism and communism are characterized by state/national supremacy. They operate under a single-party dictatorship rule. They do not operate under a multi-party system, only a one-party system.
Classless society
Both fascism and communism are classless societies as there is no private ownership of property and wealth accumulation. The state is in full control of all means of production. By implication, those who have accumulated wealth will have to lose their wealth while the general public will enjoy the benefits of wealth distribution.
Difference between fascism and communism
The fascism vs communism differences explains the differences that exist between the two terms. It is important to know the areas in which they differ. This is for one to be able to understand what each concept stands for.
Fascism vs communism Venn diagram
The image below summarizes the similarities and differences between fascism and communism in a Venn diagram.

Fascism vs communism chart
The fascism vs communism chart summarizes the differences that exist between the two concepts.
Basis for comparison |
Fascism |
communism |
Definition |
Fascism refers to an autocratic political movement that places emphasis on a centralized-nationalistic government above individualism. |
Communism is a social and economic system in which the entire community in a state/country is in charge of trade and industry, that is, to own and control all means of production. |
Philosophy |
The state must gain glory through constant war and conquest. The past was glorious, and that the state can experience renewal. Outside the role the individual plays in promoting the glory of the state, he is without value. |
Everyone contributes based on their ability and receives according to their needs. Through technological advances, the state makes free articles of consumption which facilitates superabundance. |
Key elements |
Actual idealism, centralized government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic, meritocratic, extreme nationalism, militarism, racism (Nazism). Traditional and/or exaggerated gender roles, and one-party system. |
Centralized government, centrally planned economy, the dictatorship of the “proletariat”, communal ownership of the means of production, absence of private property, gender and economic equality, international focus, often anti-democratic, and a one-party system. |
Ideas |
A union is present between businesses and the State. The state tells the business what to do and there is nominally private property ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of the national economy, and redistribution of wealth. |
Everybody is the same, therefore, classes make no sense. The government should own all factors of production such as land and also every other thing. People are to work for the government and there should be a collective and equal distribution output. |
Political system |
A single authority of one charismatic leader. Advisers to the government generally emerge by merit rather than election. Cronyism is common. |
A stateless and classless society, direct governance by the people and governed directly by the people, totalitarian in nature with a central party governing society. |
Private property |
Nominally permitted |
Abolished |
Economic coordination |
Nominal private ownership, state dictation of outputs and investments, planning based on projected labor instead of money.
Economic planning coordinates every decision with regard to production, investment, and resource allocation. Planning is based on physical units instead of money. |
Social structure |
Believes strict class structure as necessary to prevent chaos (Italian fascists). Eliminates all class distinctions but with a superior race. |
Eliminates all class distinctions with no racial superiority. |
Ownership structure |
Nominal private property ownership but with state control. |
Common ownership of property.
Religion |
Permitted |
Abolished |
Economic system |
National self-sufficiency, large public works, deficit spending, anti-trade union, and syndicalism. Strongly against international financial markets and usury. |
Common ownership and control of all means of production. Production is basically to meet human needs directly without any use for money. Bases on a condition of material abundance. |
Free choice |
The individual is meaningless. |
Decisions by collective votes or state’s rulers
Discrimination |
Equality but with a superior nation |
Theoretically, all members are equal to one another. |
View of war |
War is good for the nation and therefore good for the State. |
Although war is good for the economy by spurring production, a state should avoid it. |
Key differences between fascism and communism
Fascism refers to an autocratic political movement that places emphasis on a centralized-nationalistic government above individualism. Communism on the other hand is a social and economic system in which the entire community in a state/country is in charge of trade and industry, that is, to own and control all means of production.
The philosophy of a fascist state is that the state must gain glory through constant war and conquest. They also believe that the past was glorious and that the state can experience renewal. Another philosophy is that the individual does not have value outside the role he plays in promoting the glory of the state. Well, these philosophies vary across states. Under communism, each person contributes according to his ability and receives according to his needs. Through technological advances, the state makes free articles of consumption which facilitates superabundance.
Key elements
The basic elements of fascism include actual idealism, centralized government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic, meritocratic, extreme nationalism, militarism, racism (Nazism). Traditional and/or exaggerated gender roles, and one-party system. On the other hand, communism possesses such key elements as a centralized government, centrally planned economy, the dictatorship of the “proletariat”, communal ownership of the means of production, absence of private property, gender and economic equality, international focus, often anti-democratic, and a one-party system.
In fascism, there is a union in existence between businesses and the state. In this case, the state instructs the business what to do and in nominal terms, there is private property ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of the national economy, and redistribution of wealth. On the other hand, the idea of communism is that everybody is the same, therefore, classes distinctions do not make sense. Another idea is that the government should own and control all factors of production such as land and also every other thing. People are to work for the government and there should be a collective and equal distribution among the people.
Political system
Under fascism, there is a single authority of one charismatic leader. The government picks advisers generally by merit rather and not through an election. Also, cronyism is common in fascist states. On the other hand, communism is a stateless and classless society, direct governance by the people and governed directly by the people. No communist economy has ever achieved a situation whereby the people themselves govern the state. A communist state is totalitarian in nature with a central party governing society.
Private property
Fascism nominally permits the ownership of private property. This is highly dependent upon service, obedience, or the property’s usefulness to the state. On the other hand, communism abolishes and negates the concept of private property and replaced this concept with common ownership and use of the property.
Economic coordination
Under fascism, there is nominal private ownership. Also, the state is the one that dictates outputs and investments and they do planning based on projected labor instead of money. Under communism, the central planners coordinate every decision that has to do with production, investment, and the allocation of resources. Here, planning is based on physical units instead of money.
Social structure
Believes strict class structure as necessary to prevent chaos (Italian fascists) though Italian fascists were initially not racists. Also, the system eliminates all class distinctions but with a superior race. On the other hand, communism eliminates all class distinctions with no racial superiority. This is a society in which the owners of the means of production and their employees are the same.
Ownership structure
Under communism, private individuals nominally own means of production but the state controls them. Private business ownership is dependent on submission to direct state control. This implies that for individuals to own means of production, they must be submissive to the state control and directives. On the other hand, the ownership structure of communism is the common ownership of all means of production. This means that no single entity or individual owns capital or productive resources. Communists ascribe importance to the common use of these properties over ownership.
Fascism is already a religion because citizens worship the state through nationalism. Also, the state is in support of only those religious organizations that are historically and nationally tied to it. Communism, on the other hand, abolishes every form of religion. The system rejects all religion and metaphysics. Engels and Lenin agreed that religion was a drug or spiritual booze and should be combated. According to them, practicing atheism was a forcible overthrow of social conditions that existed.
Economic system
Fascism operates based on national self-sufficiency (autarky), large public works, deficit spending, anti-trade union, and syndicalism. The system is strongly against international financial markets and usury. On the other hand, communism has to do with common ownership and control of all means of production. Production is basically to meet human needs directly without any use for money. It also bases on a condition of material abundance.
Free choice
Fascism considers individuals as meaningless, it is mandatory for them to submit to the leadership’s decisions. Individuals are totally meaningless in economic decision-making. Under communism, decisions take place through collective votes or the rulers of the state.
Though everyone is equal, they still believe in a superior nation. Under communism, all members are theoretically equal.
View of war
Fascists believe that war is good for a nation’s morale and good for the state. They believe that a state attains glory through the conquest of a state. Also, that the nation is strengthened through the domination and control of inferior nations especially by conquest. On the other hand, communists believe that war is good for the economy by the rigid implementation of production, but should be avoided.
Frequently asked questions
What does fascism mean in simple terms?
Fascism simply refers to an autocratic political movement that places emphasis on a centralized nationalistic government above individualism. It also means a political idea or philosophy that promotes a monolithic idea or a regimented nation under the governance and control of an autocratic ruler.
Communism is more authoritative than socialism, it is totalitarian in nature. The communist system totally abolishes every form of religion and metaphysics, social permits religion. Under communism, wealth distribution is based on the abilities and needs of every individual while under socialism, it is based on abilities and contribution. Communism completely eliminates all forms of class distinctions while socialism diminishes them. Under communism, all means of production are communally owned and controlled, that is by the community while under socialism, ownership and control are government-based. A communist economy is both stateless and classless while socialism is a classless society. Finally, communism is the extreme form of socialism.
What type of economy is fascism?
In economic terms, fascism incorporates the elements and characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. Economists under fascism usually advocate for self-sufficiency and individual profits. They also promote government subsidies of corporations. In essence, fascist economics support a blend of both public and private sectors as well as private and public ownership of all means of production. So, the system emphasizes greatly on personal profit. At the same time, national interest is ultimately more important than private interests.