Ocean Currents Types, Causes and Effects on Climate

Ocean current definition Ocean currents refers to the regular movement of large masses of surface water from one part of the ocean to another. The ocean water does not remain stationary in one place. The water of all the oceans and seas are flowing either as surface or under current. Types of ocean currents …

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Plain Landform, Definition, Types, Formation and Importance of Plains

Plains are certainly the most important and populous landforms because the world population lives on them. Some plains have fertile soils and they are extensively cultivated for agricultural purposes. One of the disadvantages of plains is that they are extensively vulnerable to flooding especially when they are located close to the sea or to …

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Ocean Salinity: Meaning, Average Salinity of Ocean Why is the Ocean Salty, Factors Affecting Salinity of the Ocean

What is Salinity? Salinity is simply defined as the degree of saltiness or concentration of salt in oceans. Or it is the amount of dissolved solids in seawater. Sea water contains mineral salts, the main ones being sodium chloride which is same as table salt, calcium bicarbonate which provide marine organisms with …

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